Mr. Parr insists there are no technical parameters, no strict cutoffs or exclusionary rules governing admission to I.P.O.B., which currently has 33 members. 帕尔坚称I.P.O.B.的入会管理并没有技术参数,也没有严格的标准或排除规定。目前该组织有33名成员。
The admissibility of expert testimony in common law countries, represented by the US, consists of relevance rules, exclusionary rules and reliable rules, which ensure the objectivity and reliability. 可采性是英美证据法的核心概念,以美国为代表的英美法系国家,通过建立关联性规则、排除性规则和可靠性规则来保障专家证言的客观可靠;
On Exclusionary Rules of Liabilities in Pure Economic Loss Caused by Negligence 论过失引起纯粹经济损失中的责任排除规则
Our country should establish the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence, exclude the illegal proof and conclusion; 我国应确立相对的非法证据排除规则,对非法取得的言词证据、非法取得的鉴定结论予以排除;
To establish and perfect the illegal evidence exclusionary rules in China, the validity of these evidences gained from various channels should be defined exactly. Set up a practical procedure of illegal evidence exclusionary rules by legislation. 建立与完善我国的非法证据排除规则,立法时应详细规定各种情况下取得的非法证据的效力,通过立法确定切实可行的非法证据排除程序;
On Perfecting System of the Supplemental System of Criminal Illegal Evidence Exclusionary Rules 刑事非法证据排除规则配套机制的完善
The civil evidence exclusionary rules of our country are mainly stipulated in the judicial interpretations, and minor in the civil procedural law. 我国的民事证据排除规则主要体现在司法解释中,民事诉讼法的规定很少。
This article proposes that the exclusionary rules of illegally obtaining evidences should be preliminarily established. 本文提出了应在我国初步确立违法证据排除法则。
The fifth chapter lays out the author's basic thought and specific system design for the construction of Exclusionary Rules in our country. 第五部分,阐明笔者对于构建我国非法证据排除规则的基本思路及具体制度设计。
Chapter 3 is about the necessity of building up our country's Exclusionary rules of Illegally Obtained Evidence. 第四章,构建我国非法证据排除规则之设想。
After that, he compares the exclusionary rules in China with those in Western common law countries and continental law countries. 比较西方资本主义普通法系、大陆法系两大类型典型国家在设置非法证据排除规则的异同,可以发现这一诉讼制度有不断走向国际融合的趋势。
In our country, the preliminary exclusionary rule of illegal evidence is established through judicial interpretations, but the rule isn't efficiently implemented. That's because its corresponding safeguard rules, especially in the system of proof of illegal evidence, aren't still established. 在我国,虽然初步的非法证据排除规则通过司法解释得以确立,但是由于未建立起配套的保障规则,特别是未建立非法证据的证明制度,致使该证据规则在司法实践中远未得到有效实施。
The civil evidence exclusionary rules is one of the important aspect of civil evidence rules, its nature is to exclude the evidence that interrupt the judges to make fair judicial findings and judgments. 民事证据排除规则是民事证据规则的一个重要方面,其实质是排除妨碍司法裁判人员做出公正裁判的证据材料。
Compare and Analysis of American and German Exclusionary Rules 美德非法证据排除规则之比较与评析
Although the application areas are adjusted continuously for the balance of value, but the essential spirit of the exclusionary rules are not changed thoroughly. 虽然为了实现价值均衡,各国排除规则的适用范围不断调整,但排除规则的精神实质从未发生根本改变。
In fact, the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence have integral and stable jurisprudential foundation theoretically from the points of view either of value or cognition. 事实上,无论从认识角度还是价值角度,非法证据排除规则都具有完整而坚实的理论依据。
M degree in law, not in the hope of providing any reference for the establishment of Exclusionary Rules in our country in future. 引言,阐明近年我国刑事诉讼法的发展为确立非法证据排除规则提供了理论基础。
Unlawful evidence exclusionary rules should be set up since there is no proper unlawful evidence exclusionary rules in Chinese criminal laws. 我国刑事法律中严格意义上的非法证据排除规则尚未建立,必须建立我国的非法证据排除规则:绝对排除非法言词证据、原则排除非法取得的实物证据,但特殊情况下也可以采用。
Exclusionary rules of illegally gained evidence is a hot topic in proving criminal evidence legislation. 非法证据的排除规则是目前我国论证刑事证据立法中的一个热点问题。
Association rules, the hearsay rule and the Exclusionary Rule are the general rules that to regulate the ability of all the evidence, the conclusions as a form of evidence, is applicable, too. 关联性规则、传闻规则和非法证据排除规则是规范所有证据的证据能力都适用的一般性规则,鉴定结论作一种证据形式,也不例外。
In addition to the introduction and the conclusion, the text is divided into five parts: The first chapter of this article examines the development of the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence. 全文除引言、结论外,共分为五个部分:第一部分为非法证据排除规则的发展考察。
The witnesses identity of police is irreplaceable, the principle of direct verbal evidence, the exclusionary rule, and many other requirements of the modern rules of criminal lawsuit made it be a necessity. 警察证人身份的不可替代性,直接言词证据原则、非法证据排除规则等现代刑事诉讼规则的要求,使得建立警察出庭作证制度有着必要性。
It includes coming under compulsory measure system, establishing institution of judicial review, instituting exclusionary rules for illegal material evidence. 主要包括把刑事扣押纳入强制措施系统,建立刑事扣押的司法审查制度,确立非法物证排除规则等内容。
The exclusionary rule of administrative files is a type of administrative litigation evidence. But in our Country current judicial practice, there few of exclusionary rules applicable to administrative litigation. 行政案卷排他性规则是行政诉讼证据规则的一种,但目前在我国的司法实践中却很少适用。
This section includes the meaning of illegal evidence, the meaning of exclusionary rules of illegal evidence, and the foreign investigation of the rule. 这部分主要介绍非法证据的含义、非法证据排除规则的含义以及国外非法证据排除规则的发展。
Rules of criminal evidence collection main content, limited hearsay rules, correlation rules, opinions exclusionary rule, statements reinforcing the rules, against the rules of leading questions, illegal evidence exclusion rule. 刑事证据收集规则的主要内容有,传闻证据限制规则、相关性规则、意见排除规则、口供补强规则、反对诱导性询问规则、非法证据排除规则。
Civil Exclusionary Rule in all countries is inconsistent with the provisions. The rules started in the United States initially. And it has been used in the field of criminal. The rules of civil areas in China have only the initial development phase. 非法证据排除规则在各国的规定是不一致的,该规则最初起源于美国,而且一直应用在刑事诉讼领域中,在我国的民事领域中也仅仅是初步发展的阶段,其理论还没有成熟。
Prevention measures include perfecting the information disclosure system of affiliated transactions, providing honesty obligations of the controlling shareholders, perfecting the exclusionary rule on the right to vote for the controlling shareholders and perfecting the rules of piercing the corporate veil. 其中,事前预防措施包括完善关联交易的信息披露制度、规定控制股东的诚信义务、完善控制股东的表决权排除规则以及完善公司法人格否认制度。
Then, taking exclusionary rules as examples, the relationship of criminal substantial justice and procedural justice in foreign laws is examined. 然后,以非法证据排除为切入点,分析了外国法中刑事程序公正和实体公正的关系。